Title A Study on the Space Formation Process of the Piazza Castello and Urban Transformation of its Surroundings in Turin, Italy
Authors Chun, Jin-Young
Page pp.125-132
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Piazza Castello ; Castrum ; Cardo ; Decumanus ; Forum
Abstract The purpose of this study is to reveal the evolution process of urban space between the Piazza Castello and its surroundings in Turin, Italy. In order to facilitate the research, 5 situations of different periods and urban contexts in the historic part of the city are reconstructed and compared, in base of various documentations including iconography, cartography, bibliography and photography. In conclusion, the physical transformation of the historic part of Turin is the result of chain reactions between complex elements and political situations but the original structure of roman castrum and the Piazza Castello are the most decisive two factors for defining character and image of the city today. When the Piazza Castello served as entrance yard of old city gate it was the edge of a small town but through the expansions of urban space, it became the civic core, gaining relative importance. The piazza itself was not completed at once but formulated over centuries generating several convergent urban axis, and in urban scale, it has the meaning of important node point related to the cartesian urban fabric of the original roman castrum and diagonal streets as Via Po, networking major squares around.