Title A Study on Materials and Method of Lyang-sang-do-heo in The Latter Period of Joseon Dynasty
Authors Cho, Young-Min
Page pp.143-150
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Paster Work ; Lyang-sang-do-heo ; Eukwe ; Method
Abstract Nowadays plaster work was changed the traditional technique to use modern materials and research was lack of study. In this paper, the Lyang-sang-do-heo of the late Joseon plastering materials used in construction and a method to figure reveals. Aspects of the late Joseon Lyang-sang-do-heo cultural property construction techniques are applied based on the possibility of whether the experiment can be used as a basis and then a blend of modern plastering techniques and technological advances seem to be able to contribute. And the most important cultural property refurbishment and maintenance of traditional plastering techniques preservation, succession is thought to contribute to.