Title Urbanization Process and the Policy Solutions for Urban Problems in China
Authors Park, Jong-Ki
Page pp.169-180
ISSN 12269093
Keywords China ; Urban Problem ; Urban Development Policy
Abstract China's opening up policy has proven to be quite successful. Today, China is the world's largest urban nation. According to China's National Bureau Statistics, China's urbanization rate has increased from 20 percent in 1980 to more than 50 percent in the current year. More than half of China's population resides in cities. This urbanization rate is expected to reach up to 70 percent by 2030. Primarily, a "selection and concentration strategy" in urban planning policy has driven the excessively rapid urban development and has resulted in urbanization on a massive scale. However, such policy gave rise to various urban problems, which should be examined carefully in terms of social, physical and environmental impact that stems from the urbanization process. These urban problems have become a major global issue. Therefore, this study intends to review the urbanization process and characteristics, urban policy and urban problems in China. Moreover, the study aims to suggest a new urban policy in order to reduce urban problems. The study consists of five sections. The first section briefly reviews the relationship between growth of population and urbanization rate. The second section explores the administrative system and the types of cities as well as the urban policy in China. The third section describes some of the positive and negative consequences of China's urban development. The fourth section examines China's urban problems. The fifth section provides some suggestions on the urban policy to reduce urban problems.