Title A Study on the Escalator Evacuation Model Using the buildingEXODUS
Authors Lee, Ho-Yeon ; Lee, Soo-Ho ; Hong, Won-Hwa
Page pp.191-198
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Escalator ; Fire ; Evacuation Simulation ; buildingEXODUS
Abstract As the buildings are going to be highest and biggest, elevator and escalator are used as the main vertical transportation in building. Especially, because of high transport rate in escalator, occupants prefer to use escalator. In this paper, movement characteristics are analyzed for applying escalator evacuation model and modelling several scenarios using the buildingEXODUS against real fire. Before this study, occupants survey are conducted about awareness of emergency exit location and vertical means of evacuation. After, considering of real evacuation(which has high density), subway station is suitable because of high flow movement. Peak time is extracted as observing CCTV. Therefore, in this extracted peak time, escalator and stair usage, walker and rider usage and occupants speed are extracted. Therefore, this study re-acted and evacuation simulation which had been conducted three kinds of scenarios. These scenarios contain percentage of escalator/stair usage, walker/rider usage and escalator movement situation. The simulation results demonstrate that escalator strategies and associated human factors can have a considerably influence upon and evacuation compared to using stairs alone.