Title The Outcomes and Limitations of the Design Codes in the Pankyo District Unit Plan - Focused on the Architectural Forms of the Ground Level in a Residential Zone for Single-family Houses -
Authors Sohn, Dong-Wook ; KimJee-Yeop
Page pp.211-219
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Single-family House ; District Unit Plan ; Building Morphology ; Urban Design ; Urban Landscape Planning
Abstract The purpose of this study is to assess the effects of the District Unit Plan for a single-family residential area on the form of residential buildings. To do so, it analyzed the limits of the District Unit Plan for controlling the forms of residential buildings by comparing the design codes in the plan with the morphological characteristics of the residential buildings that have been recently developed in the Pangyo Newtown. It identified the major three issues in the codes: 1) the contextual harmony with the adjacent buildings, 2) the connection between a building and street, and 3) the communication with neighborhood. In spite of such codes encouraging the relationship between residential buildings and outdoor space of neighborhood, it found that many buildings have not followed the design codes or guidelines. In particular, the architectural forms on the ground level tend to be closed from the neighborhood and surroundings. The findings of this study will contribute to refining the design regulations and guidelines applied in a district unit plan for single-family residential areas.