Title A Study on Architectural Application of Morpho-Ecology
Authors Kim, Won-Gaff
Page pp.95-104
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Morpho-ecology ; gradient space ; morphogenesis ; topology ; metabolism
Abstract Recent architectural works generate complex curved architectural forms from the concepts of biology, complexity and emergence using new digital technology and softwares. But in most cases, they are still in the concepts of architecture which is formal analogy of physical and biological model in nature and the integration of structure, function and beauty in the form. Another proposal is considering the architecture as a performative system from the morpho-ecological thinking. Morpho-Ecology is a method of design for high level of functionality and performance ability of architecture in the view point of biological morphogenesis and ecology that concerns the relationship with organisms and their environment. The methods of architectural application of morpho-ecology are definition of geometry that can result many formal differentiation for morphogenesis of material system and the integration of material behaviour and capacity, manufacturing and assembly, environmental modulation and a type of spatial conditioning for a richily heterogeneous space.