Title A Study on 'weak architecture' of Kuma Kengo and Sou Fujimoto
Authors Chang, Yong-Soon
Page pp.117-125
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Kuma Kengo ; Sou Fujimoto ; weak architecture ; nature ; part ; gradation
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyse 'weak architecture' proposed by Kuma Kengo and Sou Fujimoto against the 'strongness' of modern architecture focusing the contrast of the artificial and the natural. According to Kengo, the omnipresence of concrete, steel and glass expelled use of natural materials such as stone, wood, soil, and made them material of decoration. Fujimoto criticize that modern architecture has the spirit of division and separation and that modern functionalism separated the human activities. As alternative, Kengo proposes surface composed of superposition of natural materials and Fujimoto makes the incomplete whole based on the relations of the parts. Their tentatives cause the question about the lost relation between artificial/natural, part/whole, transparence/opacity, interior/exterior, contrast/gradation. This study aims to analyse and compare the works and thought of two architects.