Title A Study on the Structural Characteristics of the 17th Century Multi-storied Buddhist Halls
Authors Ryoo, Seong-Lyong
Page pp.169-176
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Multi-storied Buddiest Halls ; 17th Century ; Half Bay Set-back Style ; Whole Bay Set-back Style ; The Angle Beam ; The Angle tie
Abstract This study is basically about multi-storied Buddhist-hall in 17th Century Temple. Until now we know that there are the whole bay set-back style and the half bay set-back style in the viewpoint of the column position between upper floors and lower floors in multi-storied buildings. And there are the angle beam type, the angle tie type, the high corner column type, none corner column type in the half bay set-back style. But the angle beam type was intensively used in multi-storied buddihist halls especially in 17th century. The eventually purpose of this study is to find out why the type of angle beam was only used in multi-storied buddhist halls in 17th. The angle tie type was only used in DaeUngJeon, BupJuSa. The angle tie was longer than the angle beam used in other 5 buddhist halls. So the angle tie was supported with the column. But the angle beam were strong than the angle tie. Because the angle beam was put in the column directly. It concluded that the people regarded structural stability of the multi-storied buddhist halls.