Title A Proposal of the Optimal Space Area for a Office Work's Working Space Per Person through the Field Survey
Authors Shin, Sang-Hee ; MoonSoo-Young
Page pp.65-73
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Office space ; Workstation ; Area per person
Abstract In this study, we compared and analyzed the domestic and foreign working space area standards and domestic development condition to provide the applicable optimized area of working space per person. Using field surveys combined with literature search, the layout of surveyed business facilities and the area of each space were analyzed through collected drawings and field measurements. The working space was divided into personal exclusive space (area for exclusive use) and public space. Through the survey of domestic and foreign area standards, it was found that the working space area per person of our country itself was not small. However unlike the foreign cases, the areas to be included in the public space were included in the personal exclusive space in our country. Also the field survey revealed the space provided to an individual was about 8~9㎡ in which only 2~3㎡ belonged to the personal exclusive space. Therefore, we proposed per 8.5㎡ in the optimal business facility area plan by reflecting the development condition of including various public areas in the working space area per person.