Title Determinants of Intention to Moving and Remodeling in Small and Medium-Sized Apartments Using Decision-tree Analysis
Authors Jang, Han-Doo
Page pp.45-56
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Apartments ; Moving ; Remodeling ; Decision Trees ; Determinants
Abstract This study was performed to explore determinants of intention to moving and remodeling and to identify subgroups with higher levels of these intention in small and medium-size apartments. A cross-sectional survey was used and 476 households living in Seoul participated in this study. Moving and remodeling intention, residents' characteristics, and residential satisfactions were surveyed. Descriptive statistics, chi-square test, discriminant analysis, independent t-test, regression analysis, and decision tree analysis were performed. The main results are as follows. Determinants of moving intention were house ownership, residential satisfactions, house size, quality of house, ages of family head, and the economic values of a house, and five subgroups with higher intention levels were identified. Determinants of remodeling intention were years of residence, the economic values of a house, and the satisfaction with house size, and three subgroups with higher intention levels were identified. These findings can be used in developing effective strategies for house management and construction industries.