Title A Study on Micro-Control based Skin Generation to Support an Interactive Architectural Design
Authors Woo, Seung-Hak ; ChooSeung-Yeon
Page pp.99-106
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Micro-Control ; Real-time feedback ; Interactive ; Architectural Design ; Algorithm ; Rhino
Abstract The use of Digital technology with micro controllers and robotics is gaining momentum in development within experimental interactive architecture. Interactive architecture is being used diversely in the whole field of architecture, as a model or a methodology in which the digital and physical forms can exchange information in realtime. In essence, interactive architecture has to be built within a digital and physical space, simultaneously. If an architect doesn't have the technical information for building micro controllers and using robotics or the programming technology for form control, it is impossible to create an interactive form. An adequate interactive form can not be designed or constructed with only with simple 2D and 3D digital modeling. This research is intended to propose a methodology using an algorithm for form control and micro control, from a constructive point of view. In interactive architecture planning, an approach to controlling objects individually as minimum units of form is required, in order to exchange information between the digital and physical form in realtime. As an alternative, a design using parameters is being presented. This design using parameters contains a similar meaning as a form generation algorithm, and this enables the user to form and enter an algorithm in person, by recognizing form composition logics. Ultimately, this study proposes a methodology for the construction of an interactive form, and a prototype of an architectural skin in interactive architecture. It also introduces a structure to apply a digital form in realtime using control technology and to reflect it in reality, and provides a scenario, a prototype and a unit for practical application. Based on this process, this research introduces a methodology of a micro control-based architectural skin construction of interaction architecture design which a music theory is applied to.