Title A Study on Architectural Characteristics and Meaning of Jong-gwan Woo's two Houses
Authors Lee, Kyung-Ah ; KimHa-Na
Page pp.179-186
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Jong-gwan Woo ; Kiyosi Ejima ; Western-style House ; Western-style Exterior ; Japanese-style Plan ; Ondol ; Triple Life
Abstract The purpose of this study is to identify architectural characteristics and meanings of western-style houses that were popular in Korean peninsular during the Japanese colonial period with Jong-gwan Woo's houses. From the exterior, they had western style but in the interior, they had Korean-style ondol rooms and Japanese-style plan. We are able to notice that Korean, Japanese and western style coexisted uncomfortably in a so-called western-style house even if Korean high-class wanted to live in western style at that time. In the end, mixed style houses built by Japanese architects were regarded as western-style houses in Korea and western-style house Korean owners had to live triple lives in Korean peninsular during Japanese colonial period.