Title A Study on the Relationship of the Use Characteristics and the Sense of Community by the Type of Urban Neighborhood Park
Authors Kim, Myo-Jung
Page pp.149-158
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Urban Neighborhood Park ; Use Characteristics ; Sense of Community
Abstract This study was constructed to analyze the relationship of the use characteristics and the sense of community by the type of urban neighborhood park, and to provide basic information to make urban neighborhood parks that can contribute to a rise in the social function. The cases for the study were two small parks in Gimcheon and Daegu, two children's parks in Gyungsan, and two community parks in Busan. The data was collected from an investigation into the present condition of the parks and a survey of 520 residents. The survey contained the general characteristics of residents, the use characteristics of the parks, and the community characteristics. The methods of analysis were the analysis of frequency, chi-squared analysis, analysis of variance and Scheffe's test. The results of this study were as follows: First, urban neighborhood parks users visited the parks with different aims, such as to take walks and rest, to workout, to play with kids, to meet friends, and they stayed 54.1 minutes on average. Sometimes they came alone. Second, the user group for the small park came with their children and generally played with them, or walked and rested for about 38.1 minutes. The other group, children's parks users, commonly visited to take a walk and rest alone for an average of 32.8 minutes. The community park users often visited with a friend or neighbor for 1 or 2 hours to walk and relax. Third, the small park user group and community park user group have a stronger sense of community than the children's park user group. In other words, they felt not only a powerful sense of fellowship, belonging, attachment, and closeness but also security, and interest in neighborhood.