Title A Literature Review on Compartment Fire Temperatures during Fully Developed Fire
Authors Lee, Ji-Hee ; Kim, Wha-Jung ; Lee, Jun-Cheol
Page pp.21-28
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Fully Developed Fire ; Compartment Fire ; Fire Temperature ; Literature Review ; Fire Behavior
Abstract One of the challenges in planning fire-safety structures is predicting fire temperature. This takes top priority to fire safety engineers since it helps figure out moments that put human lives at risk, identify flashover and when a structure will collapse. Fire engineers around the world have conducted numerous tests to predict fire temperature. Formula for predicting fire before and after flashover is one of the test outputs. Pre-flashover helps identify time allowed for evacuation, which protects human lives, and post-flashover helps identify time in which structures are at risk of collapse i.e. structural stability. This research studied fire temperature predicting formula by limiting compartment fire at its peak from the 1950s and post-flashover. It conducted literature research on characteristics of compartment fires.