Title Transition of Jinhae's Urban Spatial Configuration Analysed by Space Syntax
Authors Park, Jong-Min ; Yang, Seung-Jung ; Lee, Hyun-Hee
Page pp.89-96
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Urban Spatial Configuration ; Space Syntax ; Street Composition ; Jinhae
Abstract The purpose of this research is to investigate the progress of Jinhae city's spatial configuration since the era of Japanese Imperialism, and to discover the characteristics of the city's configuration from the perspective of space syntactic changes. For this purpose, we analyzed the several maps of Jinhae city which were produced at different points of time since the era of Japanese Imperialism, one of which is the map produced by Japanese government during the era of Japanese Imperialism. The following is the list of observations that we made by the analysis. First, the most intergrated space in Jinhae is appearing in the middle of entire spacial configuration by following the process of moving gradually from an old section of the city in the west side to a new section of a city in the east side. Second, the local middle space whose local integration is high is gradually extending by added to the east which is a new section of the city by following the flow of time. It shows that central space was developed while preserving its own characteristics through expansion of Jinhae city. The last, local main street is continuously maintaining the initial formation of the hierarchy. in the central space whose local integration is high. These 6 spaces are linked to the Jinhae main road, this has the highest global integration value over Jinhae and this brought Jinhae's transition as well as maintaining old town's system.