Title Construction Background and Characteristics of the Busan Exported-cow Quarantine Service at Juckgie, Busan in the Japanese Colonial Rule Period
Authors Kim, Jun ; Park, Hyeon-Min ; Yoo, Jae-Woo
Page pp.117-124
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Japanese colonial rule period ; Urban facility ; Cowshed ; Busan exported-cow quarantine service
Abstract The objective of this study is to scrutinize the organization background and characteristics of the Busan Exported-cow Quarantine Service, constructed at Juckgie, Busan in 1909 when the Japanese colonial rule period had just begun. The preliminary research including field measurements of the facility and interviews of villager was conducted. The historical situation during facility construction and developing process of the Busan Port and the Juckgie Bay were investigated. Moreover, with the literal review on this facility, the original features of the facility will be restored and recorded, and its characteristics will be inspected. Form the research, the development process and characteristics of modification of the cowshed village in the Wooam-Dong area which had preserved the original facility were studied in detail.