Title Analysis on Crowd Movement Behaviour in a One-way Corridor
Authors Lee, Soo-Ho ; Hong, Won-Hwa ; Choi, Jun-Ho ; Kim, In-Han
Page pp.255-262
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Crowd Movement ; Crowd Density ; Crowd Flow ; Pedestrian ; Evacuation
Abstract The purpose of this study is to draw for characteristics of crowd movement in a corridor. Generally, a corridor determines the number of floating population who moves to other places. Therefore, to solve the congestion caused by specific area such as exit door, the study of crowd movement in corridor is needed. In this study, to inquire the relationship between the number of participant with crowd, density and flow, a full-scale experiment has been done in acorridor which has 1.2m width. The result was that crowd speed decreased as increasing the number of participants. For that crowd speed, the head-participant speed in front of crowd was predominated for crowd speed. Also the modified equation for crowd density-crowd speed suggested through measured crowd density and speed.