Title Analysis on Characteristics of Structural Materials of Modular House Using QFD
Authors Jang, Hyeon-Gi ; Jeon, Jin-Woo ; Eum, Shin-Jo
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_SC.2015.31.1.55
Page pp.55-62
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Modular House ; Quality Function Deployment (QFD) ; Characteristic.
Abstract Modular house building is an industrial building system to transfer three-dimensional modules produced in the factory to the construction site, assembled and complete in a short period. The purpose of this study is to draw the characteristics of modular house building system by structural materials including reinforced concrete, steel, and wood, through a comparative analysis based on QFD(Quality Function Deployment) method. By using the QFD method that enables determining requirements of consumers, suggest the QFD Table that corresponds to quality required by consumers for each structural material of modular building. It is concluded that steel modular was mostly effective system, however it can be changeable along with the customer's needs. And in practical use, result can be used as minimum quality evaluation form for satisfying modular building requirements.