Title Modular Type Pigsty Plan for Disease Prevention
Authors Kim, Dae-Ik ; Cho, Young-Hun ; Lee, Jae-Man
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2015.31.2.185
Page pp.185-192
ISSN 12269093
Keywords foot and mouth disease ; disease prevention ; animal welfare ; modular ; prevention of the spread
Abstract In the winter of 2000 and 2010, korean livestock industry had suffered physical and mental damages from the foot-and-mouth disease which resulted in the disastrous financial loss of governmental assets as well as the psychological grief from the loss of attached livestock, because of the mass cull and the compensation for the disaster, and unfortunately this disastrous phenomena is happening again this winter of 2015. In fact, it was not only the calamity in the specific industry, but also the threat to safety for the living environments of all korean people, and especially for the dining table as well. This research begins with the hypothesis that better environment for pigs will reduce the vulnerability for illness like that of humans. With this context, this study surveys the pigsty of existing domestic and foreign countries which can tell the differences between infected or immune ones. Next, the study conducts to find out the main reasons and factors which can make safe environments against the disease. As the consequences, the research team figures out some principles of the design of pigsties for the immunity like, prevention, isolation and the welfare for animals. And also, as one of the byproducts of the research, the team can suggest the resonable ideas of fair implementation of partial national financial assets. With this principles, this research suggests the design for disease preventable korean pigsties using architectural modular systems as the results.