Title A Study on Crime Prevention in Seoul Metropolitan Subway Station - focusing on questionnaire and field survey -
Authors Kang, Seok-Jin
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2015.31.3.77
Page pp.77-86
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords subway station ; sexual offense ; CPTED ; way-finding
Abstract The aim of this study is to provide policy and design suggestions for crime prevention in Seoul subway stations, based on questionnaire and field survey. The findings of this paper are as follows: first, it was found that the main type of crime occurred in subway stations was sexual offence and theft, which were mainly occurred in the specific subway stations located on Line 2(green line) and specified periods of time such as rush hours. Second, the important reason of crime occurrence caused by the complicated and narrow space structure that could not accommodate a great number of people concentrated in subway station for a short time and by insufficient design guideline for crime prevention. In conclusion it was thought that the subway authority would have to use CPTED principles for subway station plan and carry out the policy such as reinforcement of police patrol and pilot project for crime prevention.