Title A Typological Review on The Rich Peasant’s Dwelling of Pyongan Province during Japanese Colonial Period- Based on the Descriptions and Drawings by Immigrants -
Authors Kang, Young-Hwan
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2015.31.4.115
Page pp.115-126
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Pyongan province ; dwelling type ; rich peasant ; Japanese colonial period
Abstract Since 1970’s plenty of researches have developed wide and deep understandings on the traditional dwellings of korea. Concerning to the traditional dwelling in north korea, however, very few researchers have paid attention to it after korean war. The understanding on the dwelling types of this region have been depended mainly on the limited examples drawn during Japanese colonial period which had seldom covered with upper class. Recently a research discovered new examples of old dwelling drawn by immigrants, which could provide new possibility on reviewing the characteristics of north korean dwelling. It provided with even more important informations including the social class, management of farming etc. Based on these examples, this paper discusses the differences of dwelling design among social classes and design characteristics of high class dwellings mainly inhabited by rich peasant in Pyongan province. Through the analysis of 16 examples of rich peasant dwellings, three types of building layout have been discovered. It shows that the formation of each types should be related deeply to the farm size, management type, social status, and regional dwelling type.