Title Enhancing Citizen Awareness and Engagement through the Construction of Urban Infoscape
Authors Choe, Yoon ; Kim, Sung-Ah
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2015.31.4.161
Page pp.161-170
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Sustainable Lifestyle ; Information Sharing ; Citizen Engagement ; Social Sensor Networking ; Crowdsourcing ; Ambient Urban Media
Abstract Due to population growth, resources depletion, and climate change, the global issue of urban development is to ensure sustainability that adopts to the environmental change and reduce the environmental impact. To ensure the sustainability of cities, this research focuses on the citizen participation and lifestyle changes via sharing information about current status on urban media. This research proposes the sustainable framework of urban media that can affect the user lifestyle through data visualization using crowdsourcing and social sensor networking. The role of social sensor networking tool is citizen engagement, crowdsourcing is the tool for building urban media contents and ambient urban media is the basic frame for visualization environment. To build and supply the detail process of citizen engagement and the methods about construction and operation in this study, three experimental circumstances were practiced on assumption that the compact environmental model represents the real city.