Title A Comparative Study on the Management Scheme for Artificial Land constructed over the Railway yards of Japan, Hong Kong and France
Authors Cho, Seung-Yeoun ; Kim, Ok-Yeon
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2015.31.4.179
Page pp.179-186
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Railway yards ; Artificial Land ; Construction Agent ; Type of Ownership ; Management Scheme
Abstract This study is aimed to suggest management scheme of artificial land for social housing over the railway yards. Korean Government launched new social housing scheme for university students, society beginners and newlyweds by using railway yards and retarding basins. A comparative study was delivered with the 5 cases of Japan, Hong Kong and France, which build artificial land over the railway yards for housing, community facilities and commercial uses. It was focused on construction agent, management agent and types of ownership to define management scheme of each cases. In conclusion, it classified into 3 types of management system by ownership type of building and also suggested some direction for institutional improvements.