Title Assessment of Walking Safety for Elementary School Students Using the Map of Saejuso
Authors Lee, Sang-Hyun ; Chi, Cheng-yun
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2015.31.4.187
Page pp.187-194
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords walking safety ; Map of Saejuso ; elementary school ; urban path history
Abstract The purpose of this study is to propose a methodology to automatically evaluate walking safety for elementary school students. In this study, the appearance frequency of hazardous objects or inconveniences that exist in the path from dwelling units in a certain elementary school district to the elementary school is proposed as an indicator to evaluate walking safety. In order to automatically retrieve the indicator value, this study (i) used the Map of Saejuso; (ii) extracted the path from a dwelling unit to an elementary school(urban path history); and (3) developed an application to extract the number of facilities that cause danger and inconvenience to commuting to school in the path. The application has been used for a real city to prove the validity and effectiveness of the methodology.