Title Prediction of Occupants based on Existing Wi-Fi Infrastructure
Authors Bae, Woo-Bin ; Kim, Yeon-Jung ; Mun, Sun-Hye ; Huh, Jung-Ho
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2015.31.4.221
Page pp.221-228
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Wi-Fi ; MAC address ; Occupant Prediction ; Impact of Occupancy ; Demand Control Ventilation(DCV) ; EnergyPlus
Abstract This study is to propose a method of predicting the number of present occupants using Wi-Fi, a sensor within the building. The accuracy and correlation of the estimated number of occupant by proposing method and schedule for generally used in a building energy simulation were compared with real occupant schedule. The validation of the proposed method has been made. MAC(Media Access Control) address and Wi-Fi was used to predict the number of present occupants, and data were collected and analyzed for 20 days. The energy consumption for air conditioning and the indoor CO2 concentration were analyzed to examine the influence of the number of present occupant using EnergyPlus. The results showed that the method considering the regression coefficient on the number of occupant accessing Wi-Fi is the most close to the real values and occupants, air-conditioning system energy use and CO2 concentration.