Title Establishing a Thermal Performance Database for Major Structural Components of Lightweight Wood-frame House through ISO 10211 Heat Transfer Analysis
Authors Jang, Hyang-In ; Yoo, Dong-Chul ; Ahn, Hyung-June ; Oh, Hyang-Ok ; Cho, Dea-Gu
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2015.31.4.239
Page pp.239-246
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Timber Structure ; U-Value ; Linear thermal transmittance ; ISO 10211 ; DataBase
Abstract This study aimed to establish a thermal performance database for various lightweight wood-frame house envelopes in order to increase the accuracy of insulation assessment and energy performance analysis for lightweight wood-frame buildings. The differences in energy and insulation performances were analyzed based on the thermal transmittance calculation method for composite walls. The linear thermal transmittance (Ψ), equivalent thermal transmittance (Ueq), and thermal conductivity of various composite walls for lightweight wood-frame houses were calculated. PHYSIBEL Trisco V.12 was used for the heat transfer analysis, and DesignBuilder V.3.4 was used for the energy performance analysis. The thermal transmittance in the case studies was compared with the heat transfer analysis, and the results confirmed a difference of 3.8%?22.7% for the thermal transmittance and a difference of 3.2%?12.1% for the heating energy. When heat transfer analysis was conducted for various configurations of the lightweight wood-frame house such as the stud spacing, stud thickness, stud placement, and presence of an airtight layer, the results showed a linear thermal transmittance (ψ) difference that was approximately 4.8 times depending on the wall configuration. The thermal conductivity (λ) of the inversion stud and insulation layer was 0.0433?0.0492 W/m·K, indicating a maximum of 11.9% on the stud interval of 406 mm (16 in) and 0.0404?0.0452 W/m·K indicating a maximum of 10.6% on the interval of 610 mm(24 in). With the database established in this study, the thermal performance of the composite walls in lightweight wood-frame houses can be calculated without a complex heat transfer analysis and can be used as basic data for the construction of eco-friendly low-energy wooden structures.