Title A Comparative Study on Shear Buckling and Interactive Buckling Characteristics of Trapezoidal and Sinusoidal Corrugated Steel Plate
Authors Shon, Su-Deok ; Yoo, Mi-Na ; Lee, Seung-Jae ; Kang, Joo-Won
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_SC.2015.31.4.39
Page pp.39-46
ISSN 1226-9107
Keywords sinusoidal corrugated ; trapezoidal corrugated ; shear buckling ; interactive buckling ; strength modifying factor
Abstract Corrugated plates are mostly processed in trapezoidal, sinusoidal and circular shapes, and when used for the web of the plate girder, the design where the web has only to cover the shear force, and therefore, ensures a higher out-of-plane stiffness. However, the geometric shape of the corrugated plate is very complex for determining the analysis parameters, and the basic data for commercialization and design are insufficient. If trapezoidal and sinusoidal corrugations are compared with each other, the sinusoidal corrugated plate has no flat plane and has different tendencies in terms of shear buckling. In particular, the shear stress and its change at the boundary of buckling vary according to the corrugation shape. In this study, the shear buckling strengths of the trapezoidal and sinusoidal corrugated plates were compared, and their characteristics and tendencies were analyzed. The results of the study are as follows. First, the interactive buckling ranges were compared, and the interactive buckling appeared between the local buckling and global buckling in the trapezoidal corrugation, whereas the interactive buckling appeared in the global buckling in the sinusoidal corrugation. Second, the buckling tendency that was corrected by the strength modifying factor were compared, and the graph was corrected in the trapezoidal corrugated plate, whereas it was not corrected and the difference even increased in the sinusoidal corrugated plate.