Title A Design Methodology for Street-Oriented Block Housing with Optimization of Natural Daylight
Authors Kim, Ho-Jeong ; Kim, Kwang-Hyun
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2015.31.5.45
Page pp.45-56
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Urban Block ; Street-oriented Block Housing ; Urban Structure and Form ; Daylight ; Azimuth Angle ; Distance between Buildings ; Rights to Daylight
Abstract The typology of urban block housing is deeply related to the urban form and street system Mid-rise high-density block housings are relatively new housing forms in Korea where housing developments are divided into the two most common categories; high-rise large-scale complex and individual parcel-based low-rise building In the year of 2012, the new housing policy has been implemented to enhance the housing re-development based on the urban block The objective of this research is to develop a design methodology of street?oriented block housing with the optimization of daylight satisfying Rights to daylight and high Floor Area Ratio(FAR) The various preliminary design alternatives are investigated on the typical urban blocks testifying the different block depths and azimuth angle The application of minium required distance between the two parallel residential buildings at each azimuth angle and the elimination of self-shaded area are employed as the basic principles to determine the building height and plan configuration in Seoul Metropolitan City The major findings are as follows; First, the street system is need to be widened at least 14m in order to enhance the street activity and to improve daylight conditions of block interiors and streets Second, at azimuth angle 0°, minimum distances of south-north=18h and east-west=07h, are required to meet minium two hours of daylighting Furthermore, the self-shaded area of west building facing east can be eliminated by opening up 14m on the south-wast corner of the building Third, at azimuth angle 60°, in addition to the design principles described above, the minium distance south-north=18h is required to avoid the interference of daylight and shade At last, the computational simulations show that the suggested design alternatives meet the standard of Rights to light and achieve the high FAR