Title An Unit Module Plan of Cross Stacking Method for Design Diversity
Authors Jun, Young-Hun ; Lee, Gi-Cheol ; Lee, Young
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_SC.2015.31.5.77
Page pp.77-86
ISSN 1226-9107
Keywords Modular Construction ; Modular Housing ; Unit Module ; Cross Stacking Method ; Design Diversity
Abstract This research is to suggest a unit-module plan of cross stacking method for design diversity of modular housing. In this study, we analyzed cases of the domestic and overseas modular construction which applied with the cross stacking method. Through case studies, we confirmed that the method was suitable for diverse design plan of modular housing. In addition, we performed 3D modeling, using framed modules of dormitory for foreigners and public dormitory for university students. Through this process, we have identified constructional and structural problems. Futhermore, we derived solutions for the problems and also for detailed unit-module plan of the cross stacking method. Thus, we made a model of unit-module plan to verify its utility and then we confirmed that it is very useful to the cross stacking method for design diversity of modular housing.