Title A Study on the Usage Frequency of Toilets in the Rest Room of Office Buildings
Authors Nah, Chae-Moon ; Chung, Kwang-Seop ; Moon, Kyeong-Hwan ; Kim, Dong-Hyeok
DOI http://dxdoiorg/105659/JAIK_PD2015316103
Page pp.103-110
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Office Buildings ; Toilet ; Urinal ; Usage Frequency ; Rest Room ; Sanitary Fixture
Abstract The office building is one of the most structures along with the residential facility, and a representative space where many people spend long hours So there needs space to guarantee individual privacy and relaxation as much as people spend long hours Particularly, the toilet should play that role The setting about the number of toilet stools and urinals is a very important matter to play its role In the modern architecture, the toilet's facilities have been developing but the problem on establishing their number has not any great improvement, and even though plumbing equipment plan and design, building usage and users' characteristics must be considered, the toilet has been only considered to be part of a construction plan Accordingly, this study analyzed the actual use conditions and characteristics of the toilet on office buildings where many people use and people stay for long hours, and it aims at providing basic data for calculating a number of appropriate sanitary fixture and an improvement direction