Title From Aesthetics to Ethics; The Discourse of Picturesque Extended in The Architecture of Wang Shu
Authors Lee, Sang-Jun ; Song, Ha-Yub ; Jeon, Young-Hoon
DOI http://dxdoiorg/105659/JAIK_PD2015316143
Page pp.143-150
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Picturesque ; Chinese traditional landscape paintings ; Wang Shu ; Environmental Aesthetics ; Environmental Ethics
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the architecture of Wang Shu on the basis of the discourse of the picturesque in architecture This study will focus on the influence of Chinese picturesque aesthetics to Wang Shu’s architectural design, discuss the relationship between nature, space, and building materials Through analyzing Wang Shu's architecture, this paper will reveal the connection between his architecture and the concept of nature, environmental aesthetics, and environmental ethics, and state that his architecture means more than a success of Chinese architecture, but also the important impact toward the enhancement of architectural culture in worldwide His design works range from small houses to big schools, and reveal the picturesque aspects of natural and architectural environment Its features are, the assimilation of architecture into nature, the expression of prosaic life and traditional materials, and the transformation of traditional painting into 3-dimensional space