Title Sustainable Neighborhood Management by Private Developer in Residential Areas in Japan
Authors Kim, Young-A ; Song, Jun-Hwan
DOI http://dxdoiorg/105659/JAIK_PD2015316163
Page pp.163-174
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords CSR(Corporate Social Responsibility) ; Housing Management ; New Town ; Real Estate Development Project
Abstract Japanese housing supply rate reaching over hundred percent, accordingly, residential development issues for the private developers have changed from the profit-oriented to providing management and services with the awareness of social responsibility This study investigates the neighborhood management projects by the private developers in Japan to suggest a sustainable management model for the residential development focusing on the roles and responsibilities of developers Housing policies and planning issues are reviewed and analyzed based on the residential development projects in Japan Based on the increase trend of social responsibility of the developers, the characteristics of management practices are examined in five case studies regarding the residential areas managed continuously by developers after the sales By conducting field visits and in-depth interview with practitioners, the issues of management are classified into five categories: Landscape Management; Community Development; Change of Generation; Convenient Lifestyle; and Crime or Disaster Prevention The study suggests the essential management plans for each phase of residential development: formation, growth, and maturation Finally, the importance of sustainable neighborhood management is highlighted to create sustainable profits and to maintain the quality of the residential environment in the era of aging and shrinking society