Title A Study on the Quality Improvement Strategies of Design through Analyzing the Domestic Modular Housing Cases
Authors Jun, Young-Hun ; Kim, Kyoon-Tai ; Lee, Young
DOI http://dxdoiorg/105659/JAIK_SC201531623
Page pp.23-32
ISSN 1226-9107
Keywords Modular Housing ; Unit Module ; Case Study ; Design Quality ; Design Influence Factor
Abstract This research aims to identify the design characteristics of modular housing and suggests strategies to improve the design quality at the design phase of the modular housing For this, we derived 12 different design factors which have impacts on the design quality through interviewing field experts and defined 6 types of analysis criteria In addition, we arranged relation matrix between the design factors and the analysis criteria Futhermore, we analyzed the domestic modular housing cases in terms of the matrix Thus, we set up 24 quality improvement strategies of design in consequence of analyzing modular housing cases