Title A Study of Correlation for Diversification and Growth of Global Contractors - Focusing on International Diversification and International Revenue -
Authors Sung, Yoo-Kyung ; Yi, June-Seong ; Choi, Seok-In
DOI http://dxdoiorg/105659/JAIK_SC201531667
Page pp.67-74
ISSN 1226-9107
Keywords Diversification ; Revenue ; Contractors ; International Construction Market
Abstract Diversification is one of the principle strategies of company’s growth However, empirical studies for performance of diversification came up with different results So, this study aimed to find correlation between diversification and growth for global contractors Specifically, this study have been analyzed correlation between international diversification and revenue of global contractors in the aspect of period, company size, and core business sector The result of the study verified that diversification of international business sectors is related to revenue growth and significantly different according to the size and the core business sector Also, this study confirms a gradual decrease in correlation between international diversification and revenue for the past 19 years