Title A Study of the Analysis of Architectural space on the Perspective of Le Corbusier’s Villas - Focused on the analysis of Linear Perspective of Villas in 1920s -
Authors Do, Hyun-Hak
DOI http://dxdoiorg/105659/JAIK_PD201531793
Page pp.93-100
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Le Corbusier ; Renaissance ; Linear Perspective ; One-point Magic Method ; Modern Architecture space
Abstract There has been lots of studies about Corbusier’s house through typological and morphological way However, the majority of studies are emphasized in morphological analysis, not in spacial view Architects represent their architectural concept and architectural space in many ways, and ‘perspective drawing[view]’ is the most important way of expressing and planning architectural space ‘Perspective drawing[view]’ was used for expressing the space since Renaissance in the field of paintings and also in the architectural fields Comparison analysis about Renaissance(which established Human-centered view of the world by reviving the Greece Rome studies and the arts based on the Humanism) ‘perspective’ and Corbusier(who argued rationalism of architecture) ‘perspective drawing[view]’ will be the important way of understanding his architecture The purpose of this study is to show the process of formation of architectural space and the architectural vocabulary of Modern Architecture space appeared in Corbusier’s ‘perspective drawing[view]’ Also I hope that this study can be a guideline for architectural expression of space through a perspective drawing