Title A Study on the Building Layout and Changing Process of Government Office in Gyeongsang-jwasuyoung
Authors Song, Hye-Young ; Seo, Chi-Sang
DOI http://dxdoiorg/105659/JAIK_PD2015317101
Page pp.101-110
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Gyeongsang-jwasuyoung ; Yeongseong ; Government office ; Convert ; Disposa
Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the creation and change of Government Office which belonged to Gyeongsang-jwasuyoung(the local navy headquarters) in the latter period of Joseon Dynasty After Gyeongsang-jwasuyoung had been shifted from one place to another three times, it was constructed within Dongnaebu(東萊府) in 1652 According to this investigation, the Government Office was converted into the school and the farmland for the first time and afterwards transferred to the banking system and the private ownership during Japan’s Colonial Period Therefor the Government Office of Gyeongsang-jwasuyoung was dissolved and completely disappeared nowadays