Title Interface from BIM to BEM and its Application to Uncertainty Analysis in Windows
Authors Kim, Young-Jin ; Yi, Dong-Hyuk ; Park, Cheol-Soo
DOI http://dxdoiorg/105659/JAIK_PD2015317135
Page pp.135-146
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Building Information Model (BIM) ; Building Energy Model (BEM) ; Interoperability ; Interface ; Building simulation
Abstract This paper addresses an interface from Building Information Model (BIM) to Building Energy Model (BEM) The interface converts an IFC file exported from BIM authoring tools (eg Revit, ArchiCAD) to an IDF file (EnergyPlus input file) For seamless data exchange, a set of mapping rules with regard to space boundary, thermal properties of construction materials & fenestration, vendor-specific information, etc were introduced The interface was developed for (1) data sharing and data reuse between architects and simulationists, (2) quick and easy performance assessment during the design process, (3) minimizing experts’ intervention and efforts It is noteworthy that the interface can provide a features of Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis (UA, SA) In the paper, a case study of an office building is presented using the BIM-to-BEM interface