Title An Analysis of Natural Ventilation Characteristics on the Effects of Wind Velocity and Solar Radiation
Authors So, Myong Gu ; Kim, Taeyeon ; Leigh, Seung-Bok
DOI http://dxdoiorg/105659/JAIK_PD2015317147
Page pp.147-154
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Atrium ; Natural ventilation ; Buoyancy ventilation ; Vertical temperature difference ; Wind pressure coefficient
Abstract Atrium is a design element for the purpose of natural ventilation and natural lighting In particular, it is possible to improve indoor thermal conditions and decrease energy usage load of a building through proper natural ventilation strategies The natural ventilation can occur through temperature and pressure differences between the indoor and outdoor environment and across the atrium space External wind speed and solar radiation influence the change of temperature differences and pressure differences significantly However, it is difficult to analyze the exact nature of the wind speed and solar radiation and therefore natural ventilation rate as well This study compares data from a CFD simulation model and actual data of an existing building to verify the validity of the simulation analysis Then the natural ventilation rates of each temperature differences and pressure differences are analyzed using the CFD simulation As a result, the increase in temperature differences increased the overall natural ventilation rate However when there is an increase in external wind speed, the influence of solar radiation decreases and the temperature differences are also decreased Temperature differences are the predominant influential factor until the external wind speed of 25m/s After the wind speed of 25m/s, pressure differences are more influential factor than temperature differences This study can be used as a basic material to provide operation strategies of atrium according to the seasonal outdoor conditions and to help setting the positions of openings in an atrium in design stage of a building construction