Title Development of Junction-Travel Time Prediction Model through the Way-finding Characteristics Analysis
Authors Bae, Young-Hoon ; Lee, Soo-Ho ; Choi, Jun-Ho ; Hong, Won-Hwa
DOI http://dxdoiorg/105659/JAIK_PD2015317155
Page pp.155-162
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Junction ; Decision-Making Time ; Route Selection Characteristic ; Visible Obstacle
Abstract Recently, the buildings are the trend of enlargement and manhattanization Particularly in case of multi-use facilities, it has the majority of maze structure and utilized for unspecified individuals who understand the space a little as their stakes are high to expose in fire and disaster To prevent the fire and disaster, Republic of Korea implements Performance Based Design (PBD) but the simulation tool for required safe egress time analysis of PBD doesn’t consider the way-finding characteristic though the junction routing selection or decision making time of occupants Therefore, this paper organizes a mock-up set and analyzes human behavior characteristics of pedestrian targeting 70 people The test was compartmentalized normal & smoke-filled condition and inquired into the behavior characteristics such as evacuation time, travel distance, walking speed though the experiment Additionally, decision making time and characteristics of choosing the egress route in the junction were analyzed Finally, based on the mock-up test results, suggest the junction-travel time prediction considering junction routing selection and decision making time of the pedestrian Through this paper, the required safe egress time can be analyzed reflecting the decision making of pedestrian