Title A Study on Timing Estimation for the Thermal Insulation Remodeling by Analyzing Annual Variation of Exterior Walls Thermal Insulation Performance in Public Buildings
Authors Ryu, Seung-Hee ; Ryu, Ji-Hye ; Hong, Won-Hwa
DOI http://dxdoiorg/105659/JAIK_PD2015317163
Page pp.163-171
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Public buildings ; exterior walls remodeling ; Thermal insulation performance ; U-Value ; Timing estimation for remodeling
Abstract Recently, Remodeling of performance improvement is on the rise as energy saving method for the old buildings In this study, we figured out the thermal insulation performance of the current public buildings before the insulation remodeling of exterior walls at first So, The target buildings of the 11 places were selected by elapsed year and building exterior material, and the thermal insulation performance was derived quantitatively The purpose of this study is to estimate timing for the thermal insulation remodeling through analyzing insulation performance of exterior wall by elapsed year in public buildings Through the field measuring data, Decrease curve in expected thermal insulation performance was shown Also, The time of the exterior wall insulation remodeling was estimated The results of this study were as follows; The point that measured U-Value higher then U-Value standard was estimated to be from 1340 to 1605 years Therefore we judged that the plan about thermal insulation remodeling will be necessary at this time