Title A Study on Non-working Day Calculation Standards and Days of Non-working for Estimation of Optimum Duration in the Excavation and Foundation Work
Authors Bang, Jong-Dae ; Song, Sang-Hoon ; Cho, Gun-Hee ; Sohn, Jeong-Rak ; Kim, Jin-Won
DOI http://dxdoiorg/105659/JAIK_SC201531719
Page pp.19-26
ISSN 1226-9107
Keywords Excavation work ; Foundation work ; Apartment housing ; Non-working Day ; Weather Condition
Abstract Non-working day in the construction work is closely related with the construction duration and one of the most important factors in the process planning Although most construction companies in domestic can accurately calculate working days, these companies are difficult to calculate exactly days of non-working because the calculation standard of non-working day is insufficient Although previous studies have suggested the calculation standard of non-working day due to weather conditions, these studies didn't provide a standard to determine whether the next day is working day or non-working day when it had much rain and snow In this study, we proposed the new calculation standards of non-working day and days of non-working of 30 cities about the excavation and foundation works The results of this study will be useful to estimate the proper construction duration for 30 cities Also, these will be utilized to find start time for the profiTable construction duration in the same project of the same area Finally, The results of this study will be helped to save construction cost and improve quality of apartment housing