Title Evidence-Based Smart Home Service Process for Lighting Energy Saving
Authors Yang, Hyeon-Jeong ; Lee, Hyun-Soo
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2015.31.8.15
Page pp.15-26
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Lighting Energy Saving ; Evidence-Based Design ; Life-Log Data ; Data Mining ; Smart Home
Abstract This study proposed ideas for saving energy used for lighting devices by utilizing an individual's record of experiences. This paper regards lifestyles as a key element affecting the lighting energy waste. The core idea of this study is to provide a customized one-to-one lighting device control service using life-log data. The results are as follows. First, the collection method and the information structure of the 'life-log data' are defined. Life-log data recorded regarding to '5W 1H' information structure. Second, by utilizing the life-log data as an evidence, it has developed smart home service process; 'situation awareness', 'service determined', 'similarity check', 'data filtering', 'decision making' and 'lighting control'. Life-log data analysis methods took into account the CBR and RBR. Third, service journey map illustrated the process of data scheduling as case of life-log data in 24 hours in response to the demands on situational service and chance of energy savings. The significance of this study is in improving the satisfaction of residents and providing appropriate services in circumstances by individually controlling all lighting devices installed inside housing.