Title The Study on Predicting Method for Evaluating Structural Safety of a School under Fire
Authors An, Ah Young ; Kim, Hee Sun ; Shin, Yeoung Soo
DOI http://dxdoiorg/105659/JAIK_SC20153183
Page pp.3-10
ISSN 1226-9107
Keywords Fire Simulation ; Transient Heat Transfer Analysis ; Structural Safety Evaluation ; Fire Performance
Abstract The purpose of this study was to find variables effecting on fire simulation and to evaluate safety of the structural members based on temperature distributions Toward that goal, fire simulation, transient heat transfer analysis, structural safety evaluation are carried out sequentially using Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS), ABAQUS 610-3, MIDAS 785, respectively Fire simulation is performed on a 5-story building used for a school, located in Seoul, South Korea The results of this study were as follows; structural members are exposed spatially non-uniform temperatures which can cause significant eccentric deformation and acceleration of structural damages Using non-uniform temperatures, reduction ratios of structural performance in structural members are deducted