Title Seismic Performance Evaluation of Steel Intermediate Moment Frames with Various SDCs and Heights
Authors Han, Sang Whan ; Park, Yu-Jin
DOI http://dxdoiorg/105659/JAIK_SC201531827
Page pp.27-34
ISSN 1226-9107
Keywords steel intermediate moment frame ; seismic design category ; height ; seismic force resisting system ; probability of collapse
Abstract Steel intermediate moment frames (IMF) have been widely used as a seismic force resisting system in regions of low and moderate seismicity In this study, the seismic collapse performance of the steel IMFs designed according to current seismic code was evaluated For this purpose, seventeen steel IMFs were designed according to seismic design codes (ASCE 7-10 and AISC 360-10), and the probability of collapse for these frames are estimated The probability of collapse of steel IMFs became larger with an increases in the height of frames And the probability of collapse of steel IMFs also became larger as the level of SDC is higher Several IMFs designed according to current seismic design codes did not satisfy the acceptance criteria specified in FEMA P-695