Title A Comparative Study on Robert Smithson's Earth Art and Architecture of Rem Koolhaas and MVRDV based on the Economic Model of Freud
Authors Lee, Jae-In
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2015.31.9.59
Page pp.59-68
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Freud ; Robert Smithson ; Earth Art ; Rem Koolhaas ; MVRDV ; Entropy ; Spiral Jetty ; Broken Circle/Spiral Hill
Abstract This study set out to compare and analyze the earth art works of Robert Smithson and the works of Rem Koolhaas and MVRDV based on the economic model of Freud, thus confirming common and different features between the methodologies applied by the psychoanalysis theories in the two field and proposing a set of new criteria for fusion researches in contemporary architecture and art. The findings were as follows: first, both the spiral development process of spiral jetties and the inclined slabs of Koolhaas seem to represent a process of Thanatos development in terms of concept development. Second, the investigator compared the entropy theory with Koolhaas and MVRDV architecture theories and found that the economic model theory, which maintains that the combination of unconscious Signifiant and conscious Signifie should have a multiple structure through Eros and Thanatos, became a basis. Third, the broken circles and spiral hills got to have metaphysical symbolicity as objets that supplemented the spiral jetties and specified the two instincts of the economic model, escaping from the grid system based on the XY axis to represent Signifiant and expanding to the Z axis to represent Signifie. Fourth, the Seattle Central Library seemed different from the expansion of the grid system in the broken circles and spiral hills, but there were conceptual similarities between them as the ramps and stairs were assumed as metaphysical and physical science paths of action and represented the fusion and confrontation of two binary opposites, Eros and Thanatos. Finally, the earth art works made the economic model of Freud concrete as a direct objet, whereas Koolhaas and MVRDV proposed a new direction for the psychoanalysis theories to make a contribution to the architecture theories through various architecture methodologies.