Title A Study on the Architectural Planning of Social Mixed Apartment of Sale and Rental Housing - Based on site survey -
Authors Choi, Kwon-Jong ; Jihn, Jung
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2015.31.10.41
Page pp.41-50
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Social Mix ; Rental Housing ; Small family ; Mixed Type Apartment
Abstract The purpose of this study is to suggest the design methods of mixed type apartment (sale+rent) for social integration, through analysis of constructed housing site's character and living circumstance of rental housing development types in physically According to supplement patterns and design methods in rental housing, it was determined life style of rental residence Therefore, it cause unexpected social problems If the design methods of rental housing were one sided type classified them into own and rent in the past, nowadays there have designed and constructed some apartment sites through many studies for social integration, not social exclusion As a sites survey of mixed type apartments, it select two sample sites just moved into a new apartment(Enpyung and Sinnae districts of Seoul) According to do a survey, Many dwellers responded positively over the level of residence satisfaction But some dwellers responded to their discontent in mixed type that proves some peoples still have a prejudice against mixed type apartments Lately, It change the liking for small families, and the concept of house own changes investing into dwelling in our society It makes the mixed type apatment is just practicable Rental housing was to prepare the low-income bracket, as well as in the aging society forward, and deliberate consideration to generation, and classes, social mix needed housing and welfare must be accompanied by the shooting for in terms of research is essential