Title An Analysis of the Relation of the Main Participates for Community Activation in Apartment Housing - Focused on the Seoul Apartment Community Revitalization Project -
Authors Cho, Yi-Beu ; Kang, Soon-Joo ; Lee, Kyung-Hoon
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2015.31.10.51
Page pp.51-62
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Apartment Housing ; Community Activity ; Participate ; Relation
Abstract The purpose of this study was to examine the current status of some apartments participating in community revitalization project in Seoul and analyze the relations and roles among the participants This study also reviewed the differences that occurred in the residents’ community formation through this project to propose directions on how to improve this apartment community revitalization project Literature review and on-site research (5/14/2013~5/25/2013 and 4/4/2015~6/5/2015) of two apartments in Dobong-gu, two apartments in Seongbuk-gu, and its representative residents, each community’s experts, and public officers were conducted The main results of this study are as follows 1) The periodic characteristics of the community revitalization project was examined the roles and relationships among the participants at each stage of the project The relationships among the resident groups differs depending on whether the resident group already existed before the project starts and depending on who are the leaders who organized the resident group The Cooperation organization differs from the project program and residents’ competency The main failure factors of the project were the absence of a preeminent leader and conflicts among the resident groups 2) This study monitored the community revitalization project and analyzed success factors and limits of the project From a physical aspect, the subject apartment created new spaces and profits From a psychological aspect, the residents grew more attached to their apartment and became more interested in it And finally from a social aspect, interaction among the residents increased and residents started participating in the management of their apartment