Title A Planning Methods for Apartment Unit's Remodeling in terms of Low-Fertility and Aging Society
Authors Yi, Yong-Kyu ; Yi, Yun-Kyu
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2015.31.10.91
Page pp.91-98
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Low-fertility ; Aging ; Apartment ; Remodeling ; Architectural Planning Method
Abstract An increase of single and/or two-people households with decrease on typical three or four people households (which was defined as sizes for nuclear family) has led to varieties in family formations and lifestyles It is not just a reduction on number of family members but generates several issues Apartment, which has been the typical contemporary housing type in Korea, have a difficulty to satisfy emerging demands of various residents, due to standardized unit plans and mass supplies Based on remodeling cycles of apartments, it becomes a time period that requires a significant number of remodeling on degraded apartments Recently, as an alternative, development of urban small housing has been encouraged in national level as a solution to meet increasing needs of small housings and increasing needs for improving living environments in degraded residential areas Years of consistent massive volume of housing supply policies, which was to ease the housing problem by quantitative way, was pointed out to be a leading problem of providing poor living environment Therefore, it is necessary to develop an architectural planning guideline for degraded apartment remodeling that able to accommodate need of residents with variety of lifestyles and ensure better residential environment In this paper, we first determine the changes in life styles of residents and public housings through the statistical data analysis then investigate architectural planning method for apartment remodeling in terms of low-fertility and aging population