Title A Study on Passive Design Planning Elements of High-rise Buildings which can be applied in the Initial Design Phase
Authors Noh, Jun-Seok ; Kwon, Jong-Wook
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2015.31.10.99
Page pp.99-108
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords High-rise Building ; Passive Design ; Planning Element ; Initial Architectural Design Phase
Abstract High-rise buildings may have problems of negative effects on the environment through excessive energy consumption and CO2 emission Therefore, the purpose of this study is to establish the passive design elements that can be applied in the initial architectural design phase and to analyze them through some specific high-rise building examples that had acquired LEED green building certification The findings of this study are as follows; The cooling and lighting are major factors for energy consumption for high-rise buildings The major factors for reducing the energy consumption in the early design stage are Daylight, Solar heat, Curtain wall facade design, and Solar shades in terms of solar radiation, and Renewable Solar energy, Design for wind load, Natural Ventilation, and Renewable wind energy in terms of air flow It is necessary to select appropriate strategies for the passive design according to divers climate characteristics From the twelve buildings of green building certification, applications of passive design method are characterized according to the climatic zones, mass orientations, floor plans, forms and facade design elements