Title A Case Study on Space Configuration Characteristics of Australian Nursing Homes
Authors Chung, Miryum
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2015.31.10.109
Page pp.109-118
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Nursing Home ; Australia ; Aged Care Residential Service Facilities ; Space configuration ; Aged Care Policy
Abstract The purpose of this study is to overview the elderly care welfare policy related to nursing home, to analyze spacial characteristics of Australian nursing homes to find the relationship with policy and design trend 11 residential care service facilities from 1991s to 2007 were selected and analyzed The results are as follows (1)Elderly care welfare policy was started in 1954 and went through big reform by Aged Care Act in 1997(2)Home care services are expanding but Government's financial burden of nursing homes outpass the rest of the services Financial reform lead to the increasing size of the services (3) The pseudomorphic shape of the building is the result of considering separation of each clusters Orientation is less considered Diverse floor plans in 90's are standardizing, and facilities near cities are densely planned Several common rooms are provided, while outdoors are considered important (4)Service areas are separated from residential area for homely atmosphere (5)Racial diversity with different life background are valued and their needs were reflected in design